Today you are 13 months old! And although I love watching you grow and thrive it sometimes chokes me up knowing that a piece of my baby disappears with each day. When I look at you now I see a boy and not a baby. You know, a messy, sticky, dirty, screaming, adventure seeking, tantrum throwing, intelligent and sweet little boy. When we go outside you head straight for the garden and immediately start letting the soil pass through your fingers and you run around pulling up the grass. I’m actually glad the ground started freezing this week because some of the things you pick up and try to eat are icky and I don’t want to touch it let alone pry it from your ironclad grip.
Over the past month you have GASP actually started listening to me! Before you would just ignore me or look my way and then go back about your business. Now if I say something like “Come to Mommy” you come walking over. Also if I say, “Put that down” or “Don’t touch” you look, stop what you’re doing and then cry because you think I’m a big meanie. Aside from that if I say, “Mommy needs a hug” or “Give Mommy a kiss” you come give me a big bear hug and a kiss. You also bite my nose I don’t know what that’s about but for right now it’s super cute. When you have more teeth we will have to reevaluate.
Along with listening, you had you’re first real Thanksgiving this past month and definitely enjoyed it. You ate a lot of yummy foods like mashed sweet potatoes, greens, turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and macaroni and cheese. You also surprised everyone when we found you underneath the dining room table eating a whole pumpkin pie. I have no idea how you got it off the table but I’m going to have to watch you like a hawk. Since Thanksgiving you have also learned that when you want more food or drink to hand your sippy cup or plate to mommy and look up at me with these puppy dog eyes. You are too cute for words.
Now we are getting ready for Christmas. You helped me decorate the wreath for the door and were in awe of the lights. I can’t wait until we go pick out the Christmas tree because last year nobody would let me bring you. They thought 7 weeks was far to small and so we stayed home and watched The Santa Clause. Well this year you are coming and hopefully we go to the farm where you can run free instead of the little lot at the police station.
Anyway I just wanted you to know that I love you (like I don’t tell you enough).
Love Always,
awwh! cute post!! :) they grow too fast.
ReplyDeleteAnd a whole pumpkin pie!? lol I hope you got pictures of that to show to his first girlfriend ;)