Monday, November 8, 2010

One Year

Dear Little Man,
Today you are one year old! I can't believe how fast the time went by. It seems like just yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time and my heart completely melted. All the cliches people told me about cherishing the time you have and how it goes by quickly are indeed true. It is true because when I look at you I no longer see my peaceful sleepy baby, I see a curious boy ready to explore the world.

My 7 pound 15 oz, 19 inch long baby boy is now 24 pounds, 4oz, and 29 inches long. You have grown so much in the past year and will continue to grow big and strong. I am unbelievably happy you are healthy but at the rate you eat I'm not sure I can afford to feed you especially when you hit puberty or bring over droves of your teenage friends. Thankfully that is many years from now but like I said the time passes faster than you expect.

Over the weekend we celebrated your birthday with family and friends. You had a lot of fun even though you were cranky at times. I know it was due to your teeth FINALLY coming in. That is right you have not one, but TWO teeth coming in. I can see the little buds when you flash a smiles at me. Your two front teeth!!! Other changes are you are walking non stop now and you are very good. You don't sit still for a minute.

Some other things that will be happening this month are your first official Thanksgiving. Yes, you were around last year for Thanksgiving but this year you will be able to enjoy all the wonderful food. No pumped milk or formula for you. Now you can have your own plate of turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, the works and I know you will love it.

Little Man I am so happy and blessed to have you as a son. It has been one great year. You've learned to rollover, sit, crawl, say dada, stand, say mama, walk, say ba (which, we still don't know what it means sometimes it meant bottle other times you would point at strangers in the store), you can wave, you play peekaboo and patty cake, you can do all the actions to "if you're happy and you know it" and I'm sure there's more I missed. Sorry for the mommy brain moment. I love you with all my heart Little Man.

Have a Happy Birthday and another wonderful year!

Love, Mommy

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