Green Smoothies (a.k.a Green Monsters) are something I heard about when I started running and reading healthy living blogs. They are basically some kind of green veggie (spinach or kale) milk, ice, fruit, and sometimes oats, or nut butters for more staying power. I love them because they give me a boost of energy and keep me full depending on what ingredients I use.
Today was the first day I tried to give one to Little Man. It is the perfect solution to get him to drink whole milk (which he hates and I might change to almond or rice since that's what I drink) , to get more veggies, and also more iron. The spinach needs to be steamed a little first if you're looking for iron absorption. For Little Man's first green monster I used:
1 cup whole milk
2 cups organic spinach
1 banana
Handful of frozen strawberries
The recipe made enough for one large glass for me and 8oz sippy cup for Little Man
All I can say is if you want your kid to get more fruits and veggies def try this. It taste amazing and it has a cool name which is sure to attract even the pickiest eater!

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