Friday, January 7, 2011

Flab to Fab Friday Intro">"/>

Finding out I was pregnant was a complete shocker to me. M and I weren’t trying and I happened to be a few weeks away from my college graduation. I wasn’t in the shape I wanted to be in for graduation let alone the shape I needed to be in to carry a child. At the time I was still trying to lose weight from the freshman 15 and sophomore 25 that I had gained from countless nights of drinking, taco bell runs, pizza with the guys, not to mention M and I with our midnight chili cheese fries from Cookout and the wonderfulness that is their milkshakes.

Since I couldn’t dedicate myself enough to lose the weight I put on in college, I made it one of my priorities to lose the weight I gained while pregnant and I’m happy to say that after starting running I lost it all way before Little Man’s 1st Birthday! Since then I’ve completely slacked off with my exercise habits. I haven’t gained any weight back but I haven’t lost any either and that is why I’m participating in Flab to Fab Fridays. I NEED to lose the rest of the weight I put on in college especially if eventually one day I want to have another baby.

My goal is to lose 25 pounds. I weighed myself last Friday when I first saw Christa would be hosting this. Since then I’ve started running again, I’ve been watching what I eat, and have said goodbye to my BFF wine. I’m already down 3 pounds as of today!!!  

  • Run 3x a week increasing mileage every week
  • Cross Train (XT)  2x a week 
  • Drink More Water 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I'm so glad you're linking up seems like we have some very similar goals!

    I fixed the grab button box too if you want to grab it again so that it shows up!
